Bernarda Alba (2006 original off-Broadway cast) (Soundtrack)
First Lady Suite (Soundtrack)
- Opening
- "Always Something..."
- Over Texas
- "Ladies..Tea?"
- Four More Years
- Caroline
- Kitty Cat Nap
- The Smallest Thing
- "What What"
- This Is What We Are
- "Mary Gallagher, You're Needed"
- "This Is The Worst Birthday..."
- Where's Mamie?
- My Husband Was An Army Man
- Melba, Georgia
- To Algiers
- Algiers
- Kidnapping
- Old Rules Are Old Rules
- Tomorrow I Will Love You More
- "Blue Than Blue"
- "This Is The Beginning..."
- Eleanor's Room
- Wingwalk
- Eleanor's Hand
- "If The DAR Wants To Support Rearmament..."
- When Eleanor Smiles
- Eleanor's Letter
- Eleanor Sleeps Here
- "Miss Hickok, I Must Ask You To Come Back Inside"
- Great Ladies
- "Look At Washington!"
- Closing
Hello Again (Soundtrack)
- Hello Again (Scene One: The Whore and the Soldier)
- Zei Gezent / I Gotta Little Time / We Kiss (Scene Two: The Soldier and the Nurse)
- In Some Other Life (Scene Three: The Nurse and the College Boy)
- Story of My Life (Scene Four: The College Boy and the Young Wife)
- At the Prom / Ah, Maien Zeit! / Tom (Scene Five: The Young Wife and the Husband)
- Listen to the Music (Scene Six: The Husband and the Young Thing)
- Montage / Safe / The One I Love (Scene Seven: The Young Thing and the Writer)
- Silent Movie (Scene: The Writer and the Actress)
- Rock With Rock / Angel of Mercy / Mistress of the Senator (Scene Nine: The Actress and the Senator)
- The Bed Was Not My Own / Hello Again (reprise) (Scene Ten: The Senator and the Whore)