Los Juniors Songtexte
Wake Up Little Susi - Why Do I Love You So - Don't be Cruel - Bye Bye Love
Gründung 1960
Recuerdos del rock
- Tequila - Shake, Rattle and Roll - Tiger - What'd I Say
- Wake Up Little Susi - Why Do I Love You So - Don't be Cruel - Bye Bye Love
- My Special Angel - You are My Destiny - Twilight Time - Venus - Diana
- Summernights - Sweets for My Sweet - Twist and Shout - Han on Sloopy
- Remember When - Sincerely - Donna - We Belong Together - Puppy Love
- Poison Ivy - 100 Punds of Clay - Little Darling - The Girl of My Best Friend - Last Kiss - Jamaica Farewell