Klezmer Conservatory Band Songtexte
O Ir Kleyne Likhtelekh
Shlof, Mayn Kind-The Eternal Light
Freylekh Zayn (Be Happy)
Ikh Hob Dikh Tsufil Lib (I Love You Much Too Much)
Visotskis Tey
Gründung 1980
- Alan Bern
- Judy Bressler
- Merryl Goldberg
- Jim Guttman
- David Harris
- Robin Miller
- Ingrid Monson
- Steve Netsky
- Jeff Warschauer
- Marvin Weinberger
Dancing in the Aisles
- Freylekh Jamboree
- Oy, S'iz Gut (Oh, It's Good)
- Farges Mikh Nit (Don't Forget Me)
- Doyne / Freyleks
- Kol Rina (The Voice of Joy)
- Gimpel the Fool
- Mayn Freylekh Lid (My Happy Song)
- Miserlou
- Meron Nign (Tune From Meron)
- Slow Hora / Freyleks
- Mayn Yiddishe Meydele
- Freylekh Fantastique
- Hopkele / Dancing in the Aisles
- In Memoriam: Yitzhak Rabin
- In Ades (In Odessa)
- Sirba Popilar (The Popular Serba)
- Yingele, Nit Veyn (My Little Boy, Don't Cry)
- Piccolo Doyne
- Palestina (Lena From Palesteena)
- Der Alter Tsigayner (The Old Gypsy)
- Oy, Abram!
- Der Nayer Doyne / Sam Shpilt (The New Doyna / Sam Plays)
- Yidl Mit'n Fidl (Yidl with his Fiddle)
- Skrip, Lezmerl, Skripe (Play, Musician, Play)
- Bay a Glezele Mashke (Over a Glass af Whiskey)
Old World Beat
- Dos Keshenever Shtikele (The Kishinev Piece)
- Di Sapozhkelekh (Boots)
- Bulgar a la Naftule (Naftule's Bulgar)
- Violin Doyne
- Watch Your Step
- Dovid, Shpil Es Nokh Amol (Play It Again, Dave)
- A Yor Nokh Mayn Khasene (A Year After My Wedding)
- Ikh Hob Dikh Tsufil Lib (I Love You Much Too Much)
- Old World Beat
- In a Rumenisher Shenk (In a Romanian Saloon)
- Der Glatter Bulgar (The Smooth Bulgar)
- Shtiler, Shtiler (Quiet, Quiet)
- Flute Doyne
- A Heymisher Bulgar (A Heymish Bulgar) / Mayne Elterns Fargenign (My Parents' Pleasure)
Oy Chanukah!
- A Freylekhe Nakht in Gan Eydn
- Chanukah-Chanukah, The Festival of Lights
- Khasidm Tants
- Celebrating in the Shtetl
- Der Bosfor
- Jewish Heroines
- Dona, Dona
- Memories of Klesmorin
- A Yingele Fun Polyn
- Klezmorin at Chanukah
- Klessified
- Shlof, Mayn Kind-The Eternal Light
- Bruchas
- The Struggle for Freedom
- O Ir Kleyne Likhtelekh
- Making Latkes
- Fayer
- The Dreydl Game
- The Dreydl Song
- Chanukah Gelt
- Abi Gezunt
- The great Yiddish Poets, Oy Chanukah
- Oy Chanukah, Oy Chanukah