If He Dies, If If If If If If
- Al Affaq, Lau Mat, Lau Lau Lau Lau Lau Lau
- A Granular Buzuk
- 7ebr El 3oyoun (Ink From the Eyes)
- Qala Li Kafa Kafa Kafa Kafa Kafa Kafa
- Lau Ridyou Bil Hijaz (What If the Hijaz Was Enough?)
- Ta3mani; Ta3meitu (He Fed Me; I Fed Him)
- Ah Ya Mal El Sham (Oh the Money of Syria)
- 2asmar Sa7ar (The Brown One Cast a Spell)
Mo7it Al-Mo7it
- Koll Lil-Mali7ati fi Al-Khimar Al-Aswadi (Speak of the Woman in the Black Robe)
- 3andalib Al-Furat (Nightingale of the Euphrates)
- Yudaghdegh El-Ra3ey Walal-Ghanam (He Titillates the Shepherd, but Not the Sheep...)
- 3anzah Jarbanah (Sick, Diseased Goat)
- Dam3et El-3ein 3 (Oh Tear of the Eye 3)
- Ko7l El-3ein, 3emian El-3ein (Eyeliner of the Eye, Blindness of the Eye)
- Amanem (Amanem)