Andy Warhol: A Documentary Film (Soundtrack)
Ansel Adams (Soundtrack)
- Benediction (piano)
- Benediction (orchestral)
- Cowboy Song
- Marias River Breakdown
- American Open
- To the Summit
- Starting Out
- Sky
- Searching
- American Open (piano)
- Ansel's Theme
- Benediction (piano reprise)
- High Sierra
- Prelude No. 1 in C major
- American Open (reprise)
- Benediction (orchestral reprise)
- Prelude No. 1 in C major (von Ansel Adams)
Copper (Original Soundtrack)
- Copper Title
- Bank Robbery
- Lost and Longing / Annie's Theme
- Mystery and Mercy
- Carriage Ride Uptown / Corruption Theme
- A Spark of Love
- Freeman's Theme
- Maggie's Theme / Break a Leg
- Brutal Momentum
- Beautiful Dreamer
- Molly's Murder
- Uncle Marcus Attacks
- Jasper Versus Irish Jake
- Arsenic and Old Cake
- Kevin and Elizabeth
- Lanigan's Ball
- Death of Riley
- Robert and Elizabeth
- A Vast and Fiendish Plot
- Galop
- Ellen's Theme
- Francis and Mary Lockwood
- Confederates Attack New York
- Goodbye Eva
- Letting Go
Dante Inferno to Paradise, Part Two: Resurrection (Original Soundtrack)
- Bonfire of the Holy Spirit
- Behold Your Heart (Dante Credits)
- Shore of Purgatory
- The Ascent Begin
- Structures of Purgatory
- Manfred is Saved
- Our Soul
- Poets of Erotic Love
- Exile Takes Its Toll
- Dante’s Arrival in Paradise (Beatrice’s Theme)
- Not What Dante Expected
- River of Purification
- Flying By Empyrean
- Dante’s Truthful Poem
- The Death of Dante
- Thirteen Cantos (Exile Theme)
- Boccaccio Keeps Dante’s Story Alive
- The Sphere of Saturn
- Beatrice Portinari Ascends
- Dante’s Legacy
- Dante Finale - Your Life Matters